Daniel: Hi, I am Dr. Daniel Strelcheck with Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic. Welcome to our patient of the month Jenn Lachel.
Jenn: Hi, I am Jenn Lachel. I have unfortunately been dealing with severe headaches, migraines, upper neck pain, shoulder pain for most of my adult life. It has not only affected me physically but emotionally as well. And I heard through word-of-mouth a friend of mine recommended me Dr. Daniel and I started seeing him last summer and I was well skeptical at first and I could not be happier with the decision I made to start seeing Dr. Daniel.
Since last summer my headaches and migraines have reduced significantly. My upper neck pain and shoulder pain has also reduced significantly. I honestly feel great and it sounds kind of cheesy but my emotional state has also changed enormously. My daily attitude is 10 times better than it was and so I owe a huge thank you to Dr. Daniel and the whole office; the massage therapist and the great staff for just taking the time to help me. Thank you very much!
Daniel: For a healthy and happy life, I am Dr. Daniel Strelcheck.
Jenn: And I am Jenn Lachel.