Daniel: Hi I’m Dr. Daniel Strelcheck with Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic and welcome to or patient of the month.
Jason: Hi, I am Jason West. I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my situation. I have been suffering from back problems since 2001. I have gone from everywhere from out of state to neurologists to pain management doctors, cortisone shots, physical therapy and nothing seems to help.
Recently I was told to go see a chiropractic clinic and I did and they told me it was going to be $10,000 for 23 treatments and I thought that was a little much so we were referred by another person to check out Dr. Strelcheck and when we did we found out that it was a third of the cost and it’s been more than what I can expect on treatment and care and their office is a great.
It’s been about a third of the cost compared to $10,000 in the past and I just want to let you know if anybody thinks something is fishy with your chiropractic clinic, go check out Strelcheck because he is the man to talk to.
Daniel: I want to thank you Jason for trusting your health with us and I appreciate that.
Jason: No problem, thank you doc.
Daniel: For a healthy and happy life I am Dr. Daniel Strelcheck.
Jason: And I am Jason West.