Medical professionals throughout the Crystal Lake area partner with the chiropractors at Strelcheck Chiropractic Clinic, because they can count on us to take care of their patients.  We strive to create collaborative relationships with physicians and their patients where we place the patient’s best interest above all else while improving their quality of life through the safest and most effective non surgical healthcare.

By working together, you can add valuable expertise to your practice, resulting in improved patient care, convenience and better patient service.


For Doctor

  • Prescription pad to make referrals easy
  • Provide an initial report of your patient that includes a detailed narrative on the history and physical revealed findings with a diagnosis and treatment recommendations
  • Consistent communication and updates on the progress of your patient

For Patient

  • $90 Health Pass for patient that includes the following:
  • A comprehensive history, followed by a 72 point neurological and orthopedic exam, and required x-rays.  If necessary, MRI or labs may be needed to aid in accurately diagnosing the condition.
  • A one-on-one consultation will be provided to go over findings of exam and x-rays and recommended treatment plan.
  • Onsite nutritional services and products by Standard Process

Benefits to Your Practice

  • Quarterly review meetings to evaluate the Preferred & Valued Physician (PVP) Program
  • $90 Health Pass for staff that includes comprehensive exam, report of findings, and financial consultation.
  • Complimentary annual spinal screening and chair massages for your staff.

For additional information on the Preferred & Valued Physician Program, contact Susan Tank at 815-459-3860, ext. 313.